Defend the Sacred

I could spend all day talking about how twisted up things are. I could also go on and on about how corrupt the system is. Actually, now that I'm thinking about it, I could easily write a book on the current state of the planet and how desperate the situation has become. But I bet you already know all of the above. Heck, even if you're attempting to ignore it, you have to instinctively know where we're really at. 

The question is, where do we go from here...

I think we can all agree that change is a bitch. I mean, I see very clearly that it's time for a massive global upgrade and I also know, first hand, how impossible it can feel when you're trying to unhitch old habits. I have years of old programming and conditioning to undo and I'm sure many of you are in the same boat. 

Here's what I recommend. Write down what your utopia looks like. Put it on paper. Be as "unrealistic" as you want. Dream a little. Write it down and then from that moment on, let your thoughts, your habits, your energy, your intentions and your actions move you closer to that utopia. It starts with you! 

Where am I headed: 

To a place where we all give more than we take. A place where community is strong and we aren't so isolated from each other. A place where the rhythms of the earth and her abundant medicine are given the attention and respect they deserve. A place where all children have safe space to explore and connect with the natural world around them.

A place where walking barefoot, foraging for wild food, hugging trees, and drinking wild water are not considered strange. A place where we finally realize that living sustainably isn't a hippie thing, it's a survival thing! A place where we are all deeply connected, grounded and at peace with our purpose here. 

I'm headed to a place where my babies can breathe clean air, play in clean soil and drink water that clean and full of life. 

So, how do we get there? 

I don't know, but I'm on a mission to figure that out. I have created a non-profit called 'defend the sacred' - I am putting a large portion of all the proceeds this cyber-tribe is generating into a fund that will be used to actively lend our support to people and organization who have dedicated their lives to helping protect this beautiful planet. I'm going to start sharing links to places where we can all get involved. I think you're going to be amazed at what this barefoot tribe will be able to accomplish. We are a force! I'm going to dig up legitimate petitions we can sign and projects we can get involved with. 

This cyber-tribe is full of wild, passionate, no bullshit souls. Together we are magic! 

If you're like me, and you really do want to help, please stay tuned. Let's be a thorn in the side of all of the corruption and greed that's currently wrecking havoc on this sacred earth. 

As John Wayne would say, "we're burning daylight" - it's time to move! It's time to get off our asses and do something! 

Rise up, earth warriors. 

Will you stand with me? 

If you're interested in getting involved, please subscribe to the list t0 let us know it's okay to send you updates. 
