Feeling Old As Fuck?

I was feeling old AF yesterday morning so I messaged some of my badass friends and asked what their top 3 longevity tips were. 

I’ve decided to share the answers with you cause they are so freakin’ good!

Michaela Beyer (@yourmoonmom)

  1. Dance

  2. Sex & intimacy

  3. Frankincense

Gabrielle Brick (@gabriellebrick)

  1. Superfood elixirs

  2. Lots of greens

  3. Sunlight and self-love

MONATOMIC (@monatomic

  1. Micro-needling/derma-rolling

  2. 30% Vitamin C serum topically

  3. LOCAL (as close as possible. Not Imported) Extra Virgin Olive Oil internally

David Wolfe (@davidavocadowolfe)

  1. Inversions (get upside down).

  2. Charcoal daily!! In the morning!

  3. Water Fasting occasionally (You know what that's done for me!!

Nadine Artemis (@livinglibations)

  1. Wash with oil

  2. Sunshine

  3. Spring water

Carrie Anne Moss (website)

  1. Great food

  2. Kundalini yoga and meditation

  3. Happy heart

Sitara Hewitt (@sitara_hewitt)

  1. Mindset: staying curious and playful about life. Looking in the mirror with love & focusing upon beauty & uniqueness never ‘flaws.

  2. Cacao. I have been drinking raw cacao 2-3 times daily in green tea w coconut milk for the last 10 years and I’ve definitely youthened.

  3. Cutting out sugar & gluten (inflammation causing) and eating more fruits & veggies

  4. Castor oil with frankincense on my skin!

Angela Coron (@anges_207)

  1. embrace it ! because it’s inevitable. we all age and it’s absolutely beautiful. love the way your skin catches the sun . and your silvers glisten . love those laugh lines and your loose belly skin that grew your babies ...

  2. take time for you ... example take that extra 5 minutes to dry brush after the shower before you oil . do that mask while you cook dinner . take care of your feet they are often forgotten . just take that tiny bit of extra YOU time .

  3. swim naked and dance to your soul music ... sometimes it’s rob zombie other days it’s rising Appalachia

April Ree a.k.a Sweet Mama (@april_ree_sweetmama)

Strengthening the spine is key to longevity 

  1. Acceptance/Surrender

  2. Yoga/Meditation

  3. Allowing, Tuning In,Holy Flow

Robin Mcmillan (@krystynarobinmc)

  1. Keep it simple and natural: eat the best, most nutritious food ever. Avoid weird chemicals, synthetic ingredients, preservatives, sugar and rancid oils. The quality of the fats you eat is SO IMPORTANT. Fried foods are not a beauty or longevity food at all. Drink Spring Water from the Source. Keep your home clean and tidy. Avoid using chemical cleaners in your home. Create space in your life for enjoyment, self-study/self-cultivation/learning, nurturing your treasured relationships, quietude and self care. Minimize screen time and technology use; maximize quality time with your favorite people and being in nature. Regular soul strolls in the forest and daily doses of sunshine are incredibly simple, natural and potent forms of nutrition. Find your joy. Nothing beats fun! Find the bliss in all you do. It’s there!! Presence and an attitude of gratitude reveals the joy of the moment.

  2. Meditate and pray daily: it’s a form of 'house cleaning’ and intention setting for your body-mind-spirit. Clean your ‘house’ and set intentions everyday. My recommended mediation is So darshan Chakra Kriya from the Kundalini Yoga lineage, which is regarded as the highest meditation in all yoga. Find what works for you. Three minutes of daily prayer and meditation is better than not doing it at all.

  3. Daily Charcoal: there is incredible, plentiful research that shows the power of something as simple and available as charcoal; the summary of this research shows that detoxification is more important than nutrition. Take daily with plenty of water to keep environmental toxins at bay. Be sure to take after every meal you eat that you haven’t prepared yourself. Questionable ingredients, hygiene practices /sanitation and vibes can all be neutralized by charcoal..

Camille Rose (@camillerosefields)

  1. Joy - Reducing stress and anxiety in our lives is a given, it just feels good and is naturally anti-inflammatory. Whenever we have stress, depression, anger, anxiety, we hold it in our body somewhere. Meditation, eating for your health, getting hydrated, spending more time outside, moving our bodies, snuggling people or furry friends, setting our life up to support healthy mindsets, removing toxic people from our circles, are just a few ways to invite more joy into our lives.

  2. Orgasms - But real orgasms, people. Studies show 75% of women don’t orgasm by penetrative sex alone. We’re talking all levels of orgasmic sex here, where everyone gets to have a good time and all parties walk away deeply nourished and satisfied.

  3. Sunshine - The sun doesn’t give us wrinkles like we’ve been told. Stress does!! Amongst other things. You know what reduces stress and acts as an anti-depressant? Sunshine. It also penetrated our bodies Vitamin D receptors and activates as this vital needed nutrient/hormone input bodies. Remember to receive the sunshine responsibly and avoid burns by getting into the shade.

My man 
Sex, sleep , smile ... repeat 

Love it all!!! Excuse me, I’m off to dance, have sex and a bunch of other epic shit that was recommended! ℋℯ𝓇ℯ'𝓈 𝓉ℴ  𝓃ℴ𝓉 𝒻ℯℯ𝓁𝒾𝓃ℊ ℴ𝓁𝒹 𝒶𝓈 𝒻𝓊𝒸𝓀 - Brooke Hampton

P.S - My favorite “feel good” tricks! Spring water! Mind hacking/ mediation. Flirting. Movement (yoga, gardening and the rebounder!). Turmeric! Good fats like avocado and fish oils. The best oils available on my skin (living libations oil and frankincense). Long baths (full of detoxing goodness like baking soda, apple cider vinegar, shungite stones, and vetiver). books that trigger my imagination and music that makes me want to dance. Writing it out instead of bottling things up. Getting upside down as often as possible. Oh, and Naked sunbathing....of course!